Resources to support your gender-lens design journey

Our homegrown toolkit, event series, and newsletter with fresh perspective & insight to get you started with women-centric design. Sign up to our newsletter to receive our latest resources.


Our homegrown set of frameworks, tools and questions to help practitioners design products, services and programs that truly center, serve and value women.

Our two foundational tools:

The Women-Centric Eye: for project scoping & opportunity identification

The Non-Negotiables: for research & ideation

Get Unconforming

Every other week, we send out our newsletter full of gender-lens design insights, strategies and stories. Sign up to receive the next one.

Here are some of our favourite editions:

Join the next conversation

We host webinars, workshops and panels with design, gender and impact practitioners to explore one central question: how might we actively & intentionally design with & for women?

Gender Practitioner Interview Series

Dive into our conversations with gender practitioners from around the world who’s ideas and experience have shaped Women-Centric Design.