Let’s learn Women-Centric Design together.

For organisational teams and individuals, our cohort-based courses and workshops build women-centric design capacities, capabilities and confidence together in a safe, interactive, and fun container.


An Introduction to Women-Centric Design


Chances are that many of us regularly use, and build so-called "gender-neutral" experiences that overlook key needs of women. This is because today's design, strategy and innovation methodologies exclude women: under the guise of being gender-neutral, the way we work today often produces “one-size-fits-men” outcomes.

At the heart of this workshop is the central question: how might we truly serve women? During this 60-90 minute workshop, participants are introduced to the foundational tools of Women-Centric Design.

  • Organisations with research, innovation, strategy, design, social impact, branding and marketing, product and/or engineering teams.

    Individual practitioners in research, innovation, organisational strategy, service design, business development, branding and marketing, product and engineering.

  • Increased Understanding: greater awarenes of how “gender-neutral” design methodologies overlook women and create unintended consequences for women.

    Knowledge: Applicable key themes, insights and design principles to evaluate and re-design products and services with a women-centric lens.

    Application and Know-how: Participants work in small groups to evaluate product and service experiences and apply their learnings right away.


Build Inclusive Products & Services with Women-Centric Design


A six-week virtual course designed to support organisational design and/or gender teams practice, incorporate and advocate for women-centric design in their projects and processes. The program dives deep into key concepts and frameworks from our Women-Centric Design toolkit, while providing an opportunity for teams to collaborate together, shifting a real project from gender-blind to gender-holistic over the course of the training.

  • Design and/or gender teams within organisations shaping products, services & programs via research, insights, creative problem solving & strategic ideation.

  • Incorporate a women-centric design lens in their projects and processes, and build gender-transformative mindsets and expertise in their organisations.


The Power of Women-Centric Design


As women continue to navigate a world built for men, design exacerbates the disparities they experience. Research shows that under the guise of being “genderless,” our current design methodologies produce one-size-fits-men outcomes. To value women as equals, we must scope, research and design to meet the consistently overlooked needs of women.

In this talk, our founder Mansi will share Women-Centric Design, a culmination of key themes, design principles, and tools emerging from deep research with feminist and gender practitioners. In sharing how we might embed some of these findings into our design processes, Mansi will show how a women-centric lens has the power to create inclusive user experiences — especially if we choose to learn from non-design disciplines that have always put marginalised groups at the centre of their program design.


Looking to bring women-centric design to your team or next event?


Interested in joining the next workshop, talk or course cohort?